5 Fun Ceremony Ideas!

Looking for something fun and interesting to include in your ceremony? Here are 5 different ideas!

  1. Personalised Vows: Instead of traditional wedding vows, the couple could write their own personalised vows that reflect their personalities, values, and shared experiences. This will not only make the ceremony more fun but also more emotional and meaningful.
  2. Unity Ceremony: A unity ceremony is a ritual that symbolises the couple’s union and commitment to each other. This could include a unity candle ceremony, knot typing ceremony, sand ceremony, or a tree planting ceremony. It’s a beautiful way to involve family members and friends in the wedding ceremony.
  3. Surprise Guests: Surprise the couple with a guest appearance from someone special in their lives, such as a long-lost friend or family member who was unable to attend the wedding.
  4. Group Singing: Have the guests participate in a group singing of a fun and upbeat song during the ceremony. This will create a sense of community and togetherness, and it will also be a lot of fun!
  5. Fun Exits: Instead of a traditional exit, the couple could choose to do something fun and unique, such as releasing balloons, confetti or sparklers. This will make for a fun and memorable photo opportunity and end the ceremony on a high note.

Talk to us today about creating your perfect personalised ceremony!